Bloc personal,

diumenge, 31 de maig del 2009

Maig 2009

Molt poques fotos pel maig... de fet només aquest parell de la galeria d'un bon dia que l'energumen va agafar l'escala, li va donar la volta i la va posar boca avall i va dir que allò era casa seva... hi va posar els ninos i que li anéssim donant de menjar...

Què voleu? Tres anyets i mig... ;-)

dissabte, 30 de maig del 2009


Encara no tinc la moto pagada i ja li he hagut de fer la primera revisió d'ITV! I és clar, la financiació és a 5 anys i la primera revisió abans de fer-ne els 4... Santa paciència!

dimarts, 12 de maig del 2009

Mètode GTD (primer pas)

No sé si he fet algun comentari respecte el mètode GTD... potser ho he fet a títol personal... El mètode GTD prové de les paraules Getting Things Done, un llibre que va publicar David Allen el 2001. A Espanya se n'han fet dues edicions: el 2002 i el 2006.

Editat per Editorial Urano dins la col·lecció Empresa Activa, Organízate con EFICACIA és el nom que prén la traducció espanyola amb el subtítol "Máxima PRODUCTIVIDAD PERSONAL sin estrés".

Arrel d'aquest llibre David Allen s'ha fet molt conegut i ha començat a fer tota una gira de coferències explicant el seu sistema organitzatiu que li han reportat una gran fortuna...

Bàsicament es tracta d'un sistema d'organització personal que va més enllà de la típica fòrmula d'anar-te fent llistes per aconseguir objectius.

Hi ha un altre senyor, l'Alberto Pena, que té un web ThinkWasabi que parla de molts temes interessants. Però potser un dels puntals o tema que li interessa molt és el GTD. En podeu trobar més informació aquí:

De res un altre cop... ;-)

Bé doncs, al que anava (tot això no ha estat més que una introducció), que el primer pas per seguir el mètode (que en línies generals ja conec justament a través del web que he mencionat) és comprar el llibre... I feia mesos que ho tenia pendent. Ho volia fer a través de web, però com sempre, les despeses d'enviament valen de vegades quasi més que el propi llibre. Així que ahir em vaig acostar a Llorens Llibres, vaig preguntar pel llibre i no el tenien. Però en tenien un munt de molt interessants també de la mateixa col·lecció. El vaig encarregar i em van dir que abans de que acabés la setmana m'avisarien a través d'un missatge al mòbil. Això va ser ahir a les 19h... avui a les 12h rebia el missatge que ja el tenien. Ara mateix en vinc.

Com dic, és el primer pas...

dilluns, 11 de maig del 2009

Star Trek (2009)


Fan incondicional!

Lorem ipsum.

No hi puc fer res… sóc un trekkie i ho reconec. I aquesta nova “saga” em té emocionat!

IMDb (8,0):
“El temerari James T. Kirk intenta viure d’acord amb el llegat del seu pare i conjuntament amb el Sr. Spock que el manté a ratlla, viatjant en el temps creant forats negres per destruir un planeta de la Federació.”

Títol original de l’entrada:

STAR TREK XI: jo hi vaig ser…

En el dia de la seva estrena i tal i com vaig prometre... jo hi vaig ser.

I per mi, una de les millors pel·lícules dels últims anys. Serà qüestió de deixar passar el temps i veure-la una altra vegada, a veure què...

Ara que, amb el temps que feia que no hi anava, 6,50 € són dinerets... Però més cares són les crispetes... ;-)

El millor: Spock / Zachary Quinto / Sylar, sense dubte.

divendres, 8 de maig del 2009

08/05/09 avui és el dia

No calen més paraules... o sí? Jo hi aniré a la sessió de les 19h15. Que vindrà algú? ;-)


"La Proactividad es sinónimo de acción, de ejecución, de tomar la iniciativa, de moverse y de mover al de al lado si es necesario. Es sinónimo de actitud positiva y constructiva, de enfoque didáctico, prefiere ir en lugar de esperar a que vengan, prefiere llamar en lugar de aguardar el “ring” del teléfono, es el opuesto a la pasividad, a la contemplación cansina, a la innecesaria crítica mordaz que no aporta nada, a la lamentación bobalicona o la queja infantil. La Proactividad no es ni siquiera parte de la solución, es la solución. La Pasividad es el problema."

Des que el senyor Alberto Pena es dedica exclussivament al seu blog ThinkWasabi, els articles milloren dia a dia... sí senyor!

Un enllaç a l'article citat desenvolupat:

De res.

dimarts, 5 de maig del 2009

Llistat de pel·lícules valorades

Dune: Part Two (2024)
Bone Tomahawk (2015)
Chihirosan (2023)
(Call Me Chihiro)

Poor Things (2023)
Waterworld (1995)
Yume (1990) (Dreams)
Les Misérables (2012)
Le Sommet des Dieux (2021)
Suzume no Tojimari (2022)

Napoleon (2023)
Arrugas (2011)
Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple (2018)
The Hot Rock (1972)
The Little Mermaid (2023)
Nimona (2023)
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023)
Cocoon (1985)
Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
The Whale (2022)
Babylon (2022)
Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)
The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
Man of Steel (2013)
The Secret of Kells (2009)
Total Recall (2012)
Karadasagashi (2022)

The Big Lebowski (1998)
Black Adam (2022)
Prey (2022)
Predator (1987)
Inu-Oh (2021)
The Exorcist (1973)
Yuru Camp △ Movie (2022)
O Apóstolo (2012)
Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (2021)
Inside Moves (1980)
(Max’s Bar)

Shika no Ō (2021)
(The Deer King)

The Lion King (2019)
El pisito (1959)
Plácido (1961)
Contact (1997)
Dororo (2007)
Wade (2020)
Bubble (2022)
Fruits Basket: Prelude (2022)
Death on the Nile (2022)
Murder by Death (1976)
Fire and Ice (1983)
Encanto (2021)
Turning Red (2022)
Cencoroll (2009)
Short Peace (2013)
[1130] - Eternals (2021) (1/5) 14/01/22
[1129] - Drive My Car (2021) (4/5) 13/01/22
[1128] - The Matrix Resurrections (2021) (2/5) 09/01/22
[1127] - Usagi doroppu (2011) (tb. Usagi drop - Bunny Drop) (3/5) 08/01/22
[1126] - Don’t Look Up (2021) (4/5) 29/12/21
[1125] - Okuribito (2008) (Departures) (3/5) 13/12/21
[1124] - Aku no Hana (2019) (The Flowers of Evil) (3/5) 07/12/21
[1123] - Kiru (1968) (Kill!) (4/5) 22/11/21
[1122] - Free Guy (2021) (2/5) 18/11/21
[1121] - No Time to Die (2021) (2/5) 15/11/21
[1120] - Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021) (3/5) 12/11/21
[1119] - Tekkonkinkreet (2006) (5/5) 12/11/21
[1118] - Chikamatsu monogatari (1954) (A Story From Chikamatsu) (3/5) 10/11/21
[1117] - Chaos Walking (2021) (3/5) 09/11/21
[1116] - Finch (2021) (2/5) 09/11/21
[1115] - Rizu to aoi tori (2018) (Liz and the Blue Bird) (3/5) 06/11/21
[1114] - Gekijoban Hibike! Euphonium: Chikai no Finale (2019)
Sound! Euphonium: The Movie 3 - Our Promise: A Brand New Day
(4/5) 06/11/21
[1113] - Gekijouban Hibike! Euphonium: Todoketai Melody (2017)
Sound! Euphonium the Movie 2: May the Melody Reach You!
(3/5) 06/11/21
[1112] - The Croods: A New Age (2020) (3/5) 06/11/21
[1111] - Gekijoban Hibike! Euphonium kitaujigakuen suisougakubu he yokoso (2016)
Sound! Euphonium: The Movie 1 - Welcome to the Kitauji High School Concert Band
(3/5) 06/11/21
[1110] - Quartier lointain (2010) (A Distant Neighborhood) (3/5) 02/11/21
[1109] - Dune: Part One (2021) (5/5) 31/10/21
[1108] - Irezumi (1966) (Tattoo) (3/5) 27/10/21
[1107] - Cha no aji (2004) (The Taste of Tea) (3/5) 23/10/21
[1106] - Dersu Uzala (1975) (4/5) 20/10/21
[1105] - A Quiet Place Part II (2020) (3/5) 20/10/21
[1104] - Sero hiki no Gôshu (1982) (Gauche the Cellist) (2/5) 19/10/21
[1103] - Yume to kyôki no ôkoku (2013) (The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness) (3/5) 16/10/21
[1102] - Troy (2004) (4/5) 16/10/21
[1101] - Nagareru (1956) (Flowing) (3/5) 08/10/21
[1100] - Bangiku (1954) (Late Chrysanthemums) (3/5) 06/10/21
[1099] - Luo Xiao Hei zhan ji (2019) (The Legend of Hei) (4/5) 06/10/21
[1098] - Ukigumo (1955) (Floating Clouds) (4/5) 05/10/21
[1097] - Arigatô-san (1936) (Mr. Thank You) (3/5) 02/10/21
[1096] - Ukikusa monogatari (1934) (A Story of Floating Weeds) (3/5) 01/10/21
[1095] - Tôkyô kazoku (2013) (Tokyo Family) (3/5) 29/09/21
[1094] - Tampopo (1985) (4/5) 26/09/21
[1093] - Zen (2009) (3/5) 26/09/21
[1092] - All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) (4/5) 26/09/21
[1091] - Zoku Shinya shokudô (2016) (Midnight Diner 2) (3/5) 25/09/21
[1090] - The Broadway Melody (1929) (1/5) 22/09/21
[1089] - Allegiant (2016) (3/5) 19/09/21
[1088] - Pig (2021) (2/5) 13/09/21
[1087] - Cavalcade (1933) (3/5) 12/09/21
[1086] - Reminiscence (2021) (2/5) 09/11/21
[1085] - Kyaputen Hârokku (2013) (Harlock: Space Pirate) (2/5) 07/09/21
[1084] - Tsumiki no ie (2008) (La Maison en Petits Cubes) (3/5) 02/09/21
[1083] - Asura (2012) (4/5) 01/09/21
[1082] - Colorful (2010) (3/5) 30/08/21
[1081] - The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012) (3/5) 15/08/21
[1080] - The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011) (2/5) 15/08/21
[1079] - The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010) (2/5) 15/08/21
[1078] - The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) (3/5) 14/08/21
[1077] - Twilight (2008) (3/5) 14/08/21
[1076] - Dare mo shiranai (2004) (Nobody Knows) (4/5) 09/08/21
[1075] - Joban'ni no Shima (2014) (Giovanni’s Island) (4/5) 06/08/21
[1074] - Stranger: Mukô hadan (2007) (Sword of the Stranger)
(La espada del extranjero) (El samurai sense nom)
(3/5) 03/08/21
[1073] - Seishun Buta Yarou wa Yumemiru Shoujo no Yume wo Minai (2019)
(Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl)
(3/5) 02/08/21
[1072] - Beoning (2018) (Burning) (3/5) 24/07/21
[1071] - Cider no yô ni kotoba ga wakiagaru (2020) (Palabras que burbujean como un refresco) (3/5) 23/07/21
[1070] - Aruitemo aruitemo (2008) (Still Walking) (3/5) 23/07/21
[1069] - Omoi, Omoware, Furi, Furare (2020) (Love Me, Love Me Not) (3/5) 22/07/21
[1068] - Manbiki kazoku (2018) (Shoplifters / Un asunto de familia) (4/5) 20/07/21
[1067] - #Saraitda (2020) (#Alive) (3/5) 19/07/21
[1066] - Josée (2020) (3/5) 17/07/21
[1065] - Joze to tora to sakanatachi (2020) (Josee, the Tiger and the Fish) (3/5) 17/07/21
[1064] - Joze to tora to sakana tachi (2003) (Josee, the Tiger and the Fish) (3/5) 17/07/21
[1063] - Black Widow (2021) (3/5) 16/07/21
[1062] - Made in Abyss: Hôrô Suru Tasogare (2019) (Made in Abyss: Wandering Twilight) (3/5) 12/07/21
[1061] - Made in Abyss: Tabidachi no Yoake (2019) (Made in Abyss: Journey’s Dawn) (3/5) 12/07/21
[1060] - Inception (2010) (4/5) 09/07/21
[1059] - The Tomorrow War (2021) (2/5) 03/07/21
[1058] - Breaking News in Yuba County (2021) (3/5) 01/07/21
[1057] - Kimi no suizô wo tabetai (2018) (I Want to Eat Your Pancreas) (4/5) 28/06/21
[1056] - Luca (2021) (3/5) 27/06/21
[1055] - Soylent Green (1973) (3/5) 24/06/21
[1054] - Jaws (1975) (4/5) 23/06/21
[1053] - The China Syndrome (1979) (3/5) 21/06/21
[1052] - Alice in Wonderland (1933) (3/5) 21/06/21
[1051] - Shimotsuma monogatari (2004) (Kamikaze Girls) (2/5) 17/06/21
[1050] - Nobody (2021) (3/5) 14/06/21
[1049] - Shazam! (2019) (3/5) 12/06/21
[1048] - Cruella (2021) (2/5) 10/06/21
[1047] - Sweet Charity (1969) (3/5) 07/06/21
[1046] - World War Z (2013) (3/5) 07/06/21
[1045] - Oxygène (2021) (3/5) 30/05/21
[1044] - Banshun (1949) (Late Spring) (3/5) 27/05/21
[1043] - Kaze no naka no mendori (1948) (A Hen in the Wind) (4/5) 24/05/21
[1042] - Army of the Dead (2021) (3/5) 22/05/21
[1041] - Shinya shokudô (2014) (Midnight Diner) (3/5) 22/05/21
[1040] - The Yinyang Master (2021) (3/5) 15/05/21
[1039] - Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) (2/5) 15/05/21
[1038] - Memoirs of a Geisha (2005) (4/5) 12/05/21
[1037] - Wo hu cang long (2000) (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) (4/5) 10/05/21
[1036] - Shi mian mai fu (2004) (House of Flying Daggers) (4/5) 09/05/21
[1035] - Judy (2019) (1/5) 05/05/21
[1034] - Let's Get Lost (1988) (3/5) 05/05/21
[1033] - Sound of Metal (2019) (3/5) 01/05/21
[1032] - The United States vs. Billie Holiday (2021) (3/5) 29/04/21
[1031] - Over the Moon (2020) (3/5) 25/04/21
[1030] - Shaonian de ni (2019) (Better Days) (4/5) 25/04/21
[1029] - Fuse: teppô musume no torimonochô (2012)
(Memoirs of a Huntress) (Memoirs of the Hunter Girl)
(Fuse: A Gun Girl's Detective Story)
(4/5) 25/04/21
[1028] - The Dead Pool (1988) (3/5) 24/04/21
[1027] - Sudden Impact (1983) (3/5) 24/04/21
[1026] - The Enforcer (1976) (3/5) 21/04/21
[1025] - Hell's Angels (1930) (3/5) 20/04/21
[1024] - Magnum Force (1973) (3/5) 20/04/21
[1023] - Dirty Harry (1971) (3/5) 20/04/21
[1022] - Genroku Chûshingura (1947) (The 47 Ronin) (3/5) 18/04/21
[1021] - Gisaengchung (2019) (Parasite) (3/5) 18/04/21
[1020] - Ying xiong (2002) (Hero) (4/5) 18/04/21
[1019] - 47 Ronin (2013) (3/5) 17/04/21
[1018] - Love and Monsters (2020) (3/5) 16/04/21
[1017] - Cleopatra (1934) (3/5) 16/04/21
[1016] - The Aviator (2004) (3/5) 13/04/21
[1015] - Wings (1927) (4/5) 10/04/21
[1014] - 2046 (2004) (3/5) 11/04/21
[1013] - Promising Young Woman (2020) (2/5) 10/04/21
[1012] - The Red Shoes (1948) (4/5) 10/04/21
[1011] - Rope (1948) (4/5) 09/04/21
[1010] - Bloodshot (2020) (3/5) 06/04/21
[1009] - Nomadland (2020) (3/5) 04/04/21
[1008] - Black Narcissus (1947) (2/5) 04/04/21
[1007] - Alice in Wonderland (1951) (4/5) 01/04/21
[1006] - The Seven Year Itch (1955) (2/5) 01/04/21
[1005] - Tôkyô monogatari (1953) (Tokyo Story) (4/5) 30/03/21
[1004] - Gilda (1946) (3/5) 30/03/21
[1003] - Hellboy (2019) (3/5) 28/03/21
[1002] - Doctor Zhivago (1965) (4/5) 28/03/21
[1001] - Per un pugno di dollari (1964) (For a Fistful of Dollars) (3/5) 26/03/21
[1000] - Greyhound (2020) (3/5) 23/03/21
[999] - Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) (2/5) 24/03/21
[998] - The War of the Worlds (1953) (1/5) 23/03/21
[997] - Playtime (1967) (3/5) 21/03/21
[996] - Xia nü (1971) (A Touch of Zen) (3/5) 21/03/21
[995] - Monster Hunter (2020) (2/5) 18/03/21
[994] - The Secret: Dare to Dream (2020) (2/5) 18/03/21
[993] - News of the World (2020) (3/5) 17/03/21
[992] - Fa yeung nin wah (2000) (In the Mood for Love) (3/5) 17/03/21
[991] - Dà hóng denglong gaogao guà (1991) (Raise the Red Lantern) (3/5) 15/03/21
[990] - Minari (2020) (3/5) 14/03/21
[989] - From Here to Eternity (1953) (4/5) 14/03/21
[988] - Come September (1961) (2/5) 12/03/21
[987] - Ohayô (1959) (Good Morning) (4/5) 12/03/21
[986] - The Ten Commandments (1956) (4/5) 09/03/21
[985] - Raya and the Last Dragon (2021) (3/5) 06/03/21
[984] - Ad Astra (2019) (4/5) 01/03/21
[983] - Dead Poets Society (1989) (4/5) 27/02/21
[982] - Wuthering Heights (1939) (4/5) 23/02/21
[981] - The Time Machine (1960) (3/5) 22/02/21
[980] - A Song Is Born (1948) (3/5) 20/02/21
[979] - Ball of Fire (1941) (4/5) 19/02/21
[978] - Saturday Night Fever (1977) (3/5) 17/02/21
[977] - Swamp Thing (1982) (2/5) 16/02/21
[976] - Singin' in the Rain (1952) (4/5) 15/02/21
[975] - Seungriho (2021) (Space Sweepers) (3/5) 12/02/21
[974] - Pandorum (2009) (3/5) 11/02/21
[973] - The Lavender Hill Mob (1951) (3/5) 10/02/21
[972] - Kakushi-toride no san-akunin (1958) (La fortaleza escondida) (4/5) 09/02/21
[971] - Ikiru (1952) (Vivir) (4/5) 06/02/21
[970] - The Dig (2021) (3/5) 05/02/21
[969] - Housebound (2014) (3/5) 31/01/21
[968] - WolfWalkers (2020) (3/5) 13/01/21
[967] - Soul (2020) (3/5) 04/01/21
[966] - La planète sauvage (1973) (3/5) 30/12/20
[965] - Mon Oncle (1958) (4/5) 23/12/20
[964] - Un Nuevo Comienzo (2020) (3/5) 21/12/20
[963] - Kimi to, nami ni noretara (2019) (Ride Your Wave - El amor está en el agua) (3/5) 14/12/20
[962] - Tenet (2020) (3/5) 13/12/20
[961] - Hello World (2019) (3/5) 09/12/20
[960] - Uchiage hanabi, shita kara miru ka? Yoko kara miru ka? (2017) (Fireworks) (3/5) 08/12/20
[959] - Mank (2020) (4/5) 07/12/20
[958] - Sora no Aosa o Shiru Hito yo (2019) (Her Blue Sky) (3/5) 04/12/20
[957] - Historias lamentables (2020) (3/5) 03/12/20
[956] - Tenki no ko (2019) (Weathering with You) (3/5) 30/11/20
[955] - If Anything Happens I Love You (2020) (4/5) 28/11/20
[954] - Soranin (2010) (Solanin) (2/5) 27/11/20
[953] - Kaijû no kodomo (2019) (Children of the Sea) (3/5) 26/11/20
[952] - Modern Times (1936) (4/5) 25/11/20
[951] - Bâsudê wandârando (2019) (The Wonderland) (3/5) 24/11/20
[950] - Lupin III: The First (2019) (3/5) 23/11/20
[949] - Pet Sematary (1989) (4/5) 22/11/20
[948] - The Andromeda Strain (1971) (3/5) 19/11/20
[947] - Pet Sematary (2019) (3/5) 17/11/20
[946] - Made in Abyss: Fukaki Tamashî no Reimei (2020) (2/5) 13/11/20
[945] - Brightburn (2019) (3/5) 11/11/20
[944] - The Hunt (2020) (3/5) 09/11/20
[943] - His House (2020) (3/5) 07/11/20
[942] - Puzzle (2018) (3/5) 06/11/20
[941] - Kick-Ass 2 (2013) (3/5) 05/11/20
[940] - Kick-Ass (2010) (4/5) 04/11/20
[939] - Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) (2/5) 31/10/20
[938] - Oblivion (2013) (3/5) 29/10/20
[937] - Angels & Demons (2009) (2/5) 21/10/20
[936] - The Da Vinci Code (2006) (3/5) 20/10/20
[935] - The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) (4/5) 17/10/20
[934] - The Package (2018) (2/5) 16/10/20
[933] - The Witches (1990) (3/5) 05/10/20
[932] - Constantine (2005) (3/5) 04/10/20
[931] - Bajo el mismo techo (2019) (1/5) 03/10/20
[930] - The Boys in the Band (2020) (3/5) 02/10/20
[929] - Mean Streets (1973) (4/5) 01/10/20
[928] - A Simple Favor (2018) (3/5) 27/09/20
[927] - Freaks: You’re One of Us (2020) (2/5) 27/09/20
[926] - Enola Holmes (2020) (2/5) 25/09/20
[925] - The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989) (3/5) 23/09/20
[924] - Tesla (2020) (3/5) 17/09/20
[923] - Orígenes secretos (2020) (1/5) 13/09/20
[922] - The Truman Show (1998) (4/5) 12/09/20
[921] - Man on the Moon (1999) (3/5) 11/09/20
[920] - Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond - Featuring a Very Special, Contractually Obligated Mention of Tony Clifton (2017) (3/5) 10/09/20
[919] - Hua Mulan (2009) (3/5) 06/09/20
[918] - Mulan (2020) (2/5) 06/09/20
[917] - The Arrival (1996) (3/5) 05/09/20
[916] - Marie Antoinette (2006) (4/5) 04/09/20
[915] - 9 (2009) (Número 9) (3/5) 03/09/20
[914] - Total Recall (1990) (4/5) 31/08/20
[913] - Camarón: Flamenco y revolución (2018) (4/5) 30/08/20
[912] - Carne trémula (1997) (3/5) 27/08/20
[911] - Gagarin. Pervyy v kosmose (2013) (Gagarin: First in Space) (2/5) 26/08/20
[910] - Que Dios nos perdone (2016) (3/5) 25/08/20
[909] - Plagi Breslau (2018) (3/5) 24/08/20
[908] - Handia (2017) (3/5) 23/08/20
[907] - Goodfellas (1990) (4/5) 22/08/20
[906] - Stardust (2007) (3/5) 21/08/20
[905] - Rosemary’s Baby (1968) (5/5) 21/08/20
[904] - Time Trap (2017) (3/5) 20/08/20
[903] - Huang feihong zhi yingxiong you meng (2014) (Rise of the Legend) (3/5) 16/08/20
[902] - Di Renjie zhi Sidatianwang (2018) (Detective Dee: The Four Heavenyly Kings) (3/5) 15/08/20
[901] - Land of the Dead (2005) (3/5) 14/08/20
[900] - Knives Out (2019) (4/5) 13/08/20
[899] - Yeom-lyeok (2018) (Psychokinesis) (X/5) 12/08/20
[898] - The Man with the Iron Fists (2012) (X/5) 11/08/20
[897] - Gretel & Hansel (2020) (X/5) 10/08/20
[896] - Tai ji 2: Ying xiong jue qi (2012) (Tai Chi Hero)X (X/5) 09/08/20
[895] - Tai ji 1: Cong ling kai shi (2012) (Tai Chi Zero) (X/5) 08/08/20
[894] - Sala samobójców. Hejter (2020) (The Hater) (X/5) 07/08/20
[893] - Bewitched (2005) (X/5) 06/08/20
[892] - Fe de etarras (2017) (2/5) 05/08/20
[891] - Mulgoe (2018) (Monstrum)t (3/5) 04/08/20
[890] - Kundo: Min-ran-eui si-dae (2014) (Kundo: Age of the Rampant) (3/5) 03/08/20
[889] - Double World (2019) (2/5) 02/08/20
[888] - Assassin’s Creed (2016) (2/5) 01/08/20
[887] - Oshin (2013) (3/5) 31/07/20
[886] - Casi leyendas (2017) (2/5) 26/07/20
[885] - Algo muy gordo (2017) (2/5) 26/07/20
[884] - 20-seiki shônen: Honkaku kagaku bôken eiga (2008) (20th Century Boys) (3/5) 25/07/20
[883] - The Meg (2018) (1/5) 25/07/20
[882] - Alpha (2018) (2/5) 25/07/20
[881] - MILF (2018) (1/5) 25/07/20
[880] - Unforgiven (1992) (4/5) 23/07/20
[879] - Marrowbone (2017) (2/5) 23/07/20
[878] - The Old Guard (2020) (2/5) 15/07/20
[877] - Trolljegeren (2010) (Trollhunter) (1/5) 09/07/20
[876] - Overlord (2018) (3/5)08/07/20
[875] - Nakitai watashi wa neko wo kaburu (2020) (Amor de gata) (3/5) 07/07/20
[874] - Meu Pé de Laranja Lima (2012) (3/5) 02/07/20
[873] - Moulin Rouge! (2001) (5/5) 30/06/20
[872] - Apollo 13 (1995) (4/5) 28/06/20
[871] - Get Rich of Die Tryin’ (2005) (3/5) 17/06/20
[870] - Glass (2019) (2/5) 15/06/20
[869] - La La Land (2016) (3/5) 13/06/20
[868] - La grande bellezza (2013) (4/5) 11/06/20
[867] - Avril et le monde truqué (2015) (4/5) 09/06/20
[866] - Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood (2019) (4/5) 07/06/20
[865] - Leave No Trace (2018) (2/5) 05/06/20
[864] - Persepolis (2007) (3/5) 03/06/20
[863] - Jack the Giant Slayer (2013) (2/5) 01/06/20
[862] - The Half of It (2020) (2/5) 29/05/20
[861] - Short Cuts (1993) (4/5) 27/05/20
[860] - Gemini Man (2019) (2/5) 25/05/20
[859] - Mercury Rising (1998) (3/5) 22/05/20
[858] - Te quiero, imbécil (2020) (3/5) 20/05/20
[857] - Días azules (2006) (3/5) 18/05/20
[856] - 37 sekanzu (2019) (3/5) 15/05/20
[855] - El bar (2017) (4/5) 14/05/20
[854] - Chronicle (2012) (2/5) 13/05/20
[853] - Tag (2018) (3/5) 12/05/20
[852] - Splice (2009) (2/5) 11/05/20
[851] - Surcos (1951) (4/5) 10/05/20
[850] - El verdugo (1963) (4/5) 10/05/20
[849] - Concussion (2015) (3/5) 10/05/20
[848] - Time Bandits (1981) (3/5) 10/05/20
[847] - Us (2019) (3/5) 09/05/20
[846] - Dorian Gray (2009) (3/5) 07/05/20
[845] - Los chicos (1959) (3/5) 06/05/20
[844] - Bird (1988) (3/5) 03/05/20
[843] - The Lighthouse (2019) (3/5) 01/05/20
[842] - Extraction (2020) (3/5) 27/04/20
[841] - La gran familia (1962) (3/5) 25/04/20
[840] - Pepi, Luci, Bom y otras chicas del montón (1980) (3/5) 23/04/20
[839] - ¡Bienvenido, Míster Marshall! (1953) (3/5) 22/04/20
[838] - Calabuch (1956) (3/5) 21/04/20
[837] - Los ladrones somos gente honrada (1956) (3/5) 20/04/20
[836] - Loving Vincent (2017) (4/5) 20/04/20
[835] - Verano 70 (1970) (3/5) 20/04/20
[834] - El hotel de los líos (1938) (Room Service) (2/5) 19/04/20
[833] - Amanece, que no es poco (1989) (3/5) 19/04/20
[832] - The Scorpion King (2002) (2/5) 18/04/20
[831] - La tía Tula (1964) (4/5) 17/04/20
[830] - The Mummy Returns (2001) (3/5) 16/04/20
[829] - The Mummy (1999) (3/5) 14/04/20
[828] - Muerte de un ciclista (1955) (4/5) 13/04/200
[827] - The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected) (2017) (3/5) 12/04/20
[826] - Big Fish (2003) (4/5) 10/04/20
[825] - Die unendliche Geschichte (1984) (The NeverEnding Story) (3/5) 09/04/20
[824] - Prono para principiantes (2018) (2/5) 08/04/20
[823] - Ascenseur pour l’échafaud (1958) (4/5) 07/04/20
[822] - Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985) (3/5) 05/04/20
[821] - Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979) (3/5) 03/04/20
[820] - Mad Max 2 (1981) (4/5) 02/04/20
[819] - Mad Max (1979) (2/5) 01/04/20
[818] - The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) (3/5) 01/04/20
[817] - Rambo: Last Blood (2019) (1/5) 30/03/20
[816] - Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn (2020) (2/5) 29/03/20
[815] - Joker (2019) (4/5) 28/03/20
[814] - El hoyo (2019) (4/5) 27/03/20
[813] - What Happened, Miss Simone? (2015) (3/5) 26/03/20
[812] - I Called Him Morgan (2016) (4/5) 25/03/20
[811] - Chasing Trane: The John Coltrane Documentary (2016) (3/5) 24/03/20
[810] - Quincy (2018) (3/5) 23/03/20
[809] - Miles Davis: Birth of the Cool (2019) (4/5) 22/03/20
[808] - Altered Carbon: Resleeved (2020) (3/5) 21/03/20
[807] - Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019) (3/5) 20/03/20
[806] - Babylon A.D. (2008) (3/5) 18/03/20
[805] - Spenser Confidential (2020) (3/5) 16/03/20
[804] - Side Effects (2013) (3/5) 15/03/20
[803] - Corpse Bride (2005) (3/5) 14/03/20
[802] - Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios (1988) (5/5) 14/03/20
[801] - La trinchera infinita (2019) (4/5) 29/02/20
[800] - Dumb and Dumber (1994) (2/5) 15/02/20
[799] - Midsommar (2019) (1/5) 08/02/20
[798] - The Road to El Dorado (2000) (2/5) 07/02/20
[797] - Ghostbusters (1984) (3/5) 06/02/20
[796] - Umi ga kikoeru (1993) (Ocean Waves - Puedo escuchar el mar) (3/5) 05/02/20
[795] - Ni no Kuni (2019) (2/5) 04/02/20
[794] - The Prince of Egypt (1998) (2/5) 03/02/20
[793] - Dark Shadows (2012) (3/5) 02/02/20
[792] - The Breadwinner (2017) (4/5) 01/02/20
[791] - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) (2/5) 26/01/20
[790] - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) (7b de 7) (4/5) 25/01/20
[789] - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) (7a de 7) (4/5) 25/01/20
[788] - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) (6 de 7) (4/5) 24/01/20
[787] - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) (5 de 7) (3/5) 23/01/20
[786] - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) (4 de 7) (4/5) 22/01/20
[785] - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) (3 de 7) (4/5) 20/01/20
[784] - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) (2 de 7) (4/5) 19/01/20
[783] - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) (1 de 7) (3/5) 18/01/20
[782] - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) (4/5) 14/01/20
[781] - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) (4/5) 13/01/20
[780] - I Kill Giants (2017) (3/5) 07/01/20
[779] - Flatliners (2017) (3/5) 02/01/20
[778] - Shaun of the Dead (2004) (Zombies Party) (3/5) 29/12/19
[777] - Manyeo (2018) (The Witch: Part 1 - The Subversion) (2/5) 28/12/19
[776] - Klaus (2019) (2/5) 27/12/19
[775] - Hotel Artemis (2018) (3/5) 20/12/19
[774] - The Matrix Reloaded (2003) (4/5) 15/12/19
[773] - The Cabin in the Woods (2011) (4/5) 10/12/19
[772] - J’ai perdu mon corps (2019) (4/5) 30/11/19
[771] - In the Tall Grass (2019) (3/5) 20/11/19
[770] - Heavy Metal (1981) (3/5) 10/11/19
[769] - Between Two Ferns: The Movie (2019) (1/5) 01/11/19
[768] - Back to the Future (1985) (4/5) 25/10/19
[767] - Bleach: Burîchu (2018) (3/5) 20/10/19
[766] - In the Shadow of the Moon (2019) (3/5) 15/10/19
[765] - Year One (2009) (1/5) 10/10/19
[764] - Unicorn Store (2017) (1/5) 05/10/19
[763] - Chang-gwol (2018) (Rampant) (3/5) 01/10/19
[762] - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny (2016) (3/5) 22/09/19
[761] - Dolor y gloria (2019) (3/5) 21/09/19
[760] - Ponoc Tanpen Gekijō: Chiisana Eiyū: Kani to Tamago to Tōmei Ningen (2018) (Ponoc Short Films Theatre. Volume 1 - Modest Heroes) (Héroes Humildes) (3/5) 15/09/19
[759] - The Mule (2018) (3/5) 05/09/19
[758] - Superlópez (2018) (1/5) 02/09/19
[757] - The Last Airbender (2010) (3/5) 29/08/19
[756] - Drag Me to Hell (2009) (3/5) 28/08/19
[755] - Dumbo (2019) (3/5) 27/08/19
[754] - Oz the Great and Powerful (2013) (3/5) 26/08/19
[753] - Kiki, el amor se hace (2016) (3/5) 25/08/19
[752] - Mugen no jûnin (2017) (Blade of the Immortal) (3/5) 24/08/19
[751] - John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019) (3/5) 23/08/19
[750] - Gladiator (2000) (3/5) 22/08/19
[749] - Liu lang di qiu (2019) (The Wandering Earth) (3/5) 20/08/19
[748] - Priest (2011) (3/5) 18/08/19
[747] - Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (2009) (3/5) 17/08/19
[746] - Inglourious Basterds (2009) (3/5) 17/08/19
[745] - Errementari (2017) (3/5) 11/08/19
[744] - The Dark Tower (2017) (3/5) 11/08/19
[743] - The Last Witch Hunter (2015) (3/5) 10/08/19
[742] - Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) (4/5) 08/08/19
[741] - Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) (5/5) 07/08/19
[740] - Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) (4/5) 04/08/19
[739] - Pulp Fiction (1994) (5/5) 04/08/19
[738] - Baywatch (2017) (1/5) 21/07/19
[737] - Avengers: Endgame (2019) (3/5) 15/07/19
[736] - 1922 (2017) (3/5) 14/07/19
[735] - Gantz: Perfect Answer (2011) (3/5) 08/07/19
[734] - Gantz (2010) (2/5) 06/07/19
[733] - The Golem (2018) (3/5) 05/07/19
[732] - The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018) (3/5) 01/07/19
[731] - Shaft (2019) (2/5) 30/06/19
[730] - Battleship (2012)) (3/5) 26/06/19
[729] - Gantz: O (2016) (4/5) 23/06/19
[728] - T Si shi qing chun (2018) (Flavors of Youth) (3/5) 22/06/19
[727] - The Bad Batch (2016) (2/5) 16/06/19
[726] - IO (2019) (3/5) 15/06/19
[725] - The Cloverfield Paradox (2018) (3/5) 15/06/19
[724] - I Am Mother (2019) (3/5) 09/06/19
[723] - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017) (2/5) 02/06/19
[722] - Creepshow 2 (1987) (2/5) 01/06/19
[721] - Creepshow (1982) (3/5) 25/05/19
[720] - Pocahontas (1995) (2/5) 19/05/19
[719] - The Man Who Killed Don Quixote (2018) (2/5) 18/05/19
[718] - Tully (2018) (3/5) 04/05/19
[717] - Captain Marvel (2019) (3/5) 03/05/19
[716] - Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) (3/5) 22/04/19
[715] - Lean on Pete (2017) (3/5) 22/04/19
[714] - Game Night (2018) (3/5) 22/04/19
[713] - Mary Shelley (2017) (3/5) 21/04/19
[712] - The Nun (2018) (2/5) 21/04/19
[711] - The Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018) (1/5) 21/04/19
[710] - Widows (2018) (3/5) 20/04/19
[709] - Rampage (2018) (2/5) 20/04/19
[708] - Hereditary (2018) (3/5) 19/04/19
[707] - Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) (5/5) 15/04/19
[706] - Mortal Engines (2018) (2/5) 14/04/19
[705] - Mary Poppins Returns (2018) (3/5) 14/04/19
[704] - Reservoir Dogs (1992) (3/5) 09/04/19
[703] - Roma (2018) (4/5) 30/03/19
[702] - If Beale Street Could Talk (2018) (3/5) 18/03/19
[701] - Ready Player One (2018) (3/5) 16/03/19
[700] - Aquaman (2019) (3/5) 15/03/19
[699] - Red Sparrow (2019) (3/5) 11/03/19
[698] - Green Book (2018) (4/5) 11/03/19
[697] - BlacKkKlansman (2018) (2/5) 09/03/19
[696] - The Favourite (2018) (4/5) 03/03/19
[695] - The Intern (2015) (3/5) 02/03/19
[694] - Mirai no Mirai (2018) (Mirai - Mirai, mi hermana pequeña) (3/5) 02/03/19
[693] - Twelve Monkeys (1995) (3/5) 02/03/19
[692] - Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) (3/5) 28/02/19
[691] - Avatar (2009) (5/5) 23/02/19
[690] - París, Texas (1984) (4/5) 16/02/19
[689] - Young Frankenstein (1974) (4/5) 10/02/19
[688] - Alita: Battle Angel (2019) (4/5) 10/02/19 (revisat 24/07/22)
[687] - Ghost World (2001) (3/5) 03/02/18
[686] - Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994) (3/5) 20/01/19
[685] - From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) (3/5) 20/01/19
[684] - A Star Is Born (2018) (2/5) 07/01/19
[683] - The Dark Crystal (1982) (5/5) 06/01/19
[682] - Beetlejuice (1988) (3/5) 04/01/19
[681] - Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018) (3/5) 31/12/18
[680] - My Friend Dahmer (2017) (2/5) 31/12/18
[679] - Bird Box (2018) (3/5) 29/12/18
[678] - The Ritual (2017) (3/5) 28/12/18
[677] - Estiu 1993 (2017) (3/5) 28/12/18
[676] - Mandy (2018) (2/5) 26/12/18
[675] - A Quiet Place (2018) (3/5) 23/12/18
[674] - The House with a Clock in Its Walls (2018) (2/5) 23/12/18
[673] - Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (2018) (3/5) 22/12/18
[672] - Lucky Luke (2009) (1/5) 15/12/18
[671] - Sayonara no asa ni yakusoku no hana o kazarô (2018) (Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms)(Maquia. Una historia de amor inmortal) (2/5) 09/12/18
[670] - 20th Century Women (2016) (3/5) 09/12/18
[669] - The Predator (2018) (2/5) 02/12/18
[668] - Upgrade (2018) (3/5) 02/12/18
[667] - Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) (3/5) 25/11/18
[666] - Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) (3/5) 18/11/18
[665] - Yi yi (2000) (3/5) 04/11/18
[664] - Murder on the Orient Express (2017) (2/5) 04/11/18
[663] - Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) (3/5) 04/11/18
[662] - They Live (1988) (3/5) 03/11/18
[661] - Venom (2018) (3/5) 21/10/18
[660] - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) (3/5) 20/10/18
[659] - Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) (3/5) 20/10/18
[658] - Kirikou et la sorcière (1998) (3/5) 20/10/18
[657] - Momo e no tegami (2011)
(A Letter to Momo) (Una carta para Momo)
(4/5) 14/10/18
[656] - Blame! (2017) (3/5) 13/10/18
[655] - Xi you ji zhi da sheng gui lai (2015) (Monkey King: Hero is Back)
(La leyenda del Rey Mono: El regreso del héroe)
(3/5) 12/10/18
[654] - Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) (3/5) 10/10/18
[653] - Gauguin - Voyage de Tahiti (2017) (3/5) 07/10/18
[652] - Gunnm (1993) (3/5) 06/10/18
[651] - Toc Toc (2017) (3/5) 03/10/18
[650] - Mazinger Z Infinity (2017) (2/5) 01/10/18
[649] - Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973) (1/5) 30/09/18
[648] - Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972) (1/5) 29/09/18
[647] - War for the Planet of the Apes (2017) (3/5) 24/09/18
[646] - Escape From The Planet of the Apes (1971) (3/5) 23/09/18
[645] - Beneath The Planet of the Apes (1970) (3/5) 23/09/18
[644] - Planet of the Apes (1968) (3/5) 22/09/18
[643] - Entre les murs (2008) (4/5) 15/09/18
[642] - Next Gen (2018) (3/5) 15/09/18
[641] - Infinitely Polar Bear (2014) (3/5) 08/09/18
[640] - Lockout (2012) (3/5) 03/09/18
[639] - Morgan (2016) (3/5) 02/09/18
[638] - The Signal (2014) (3/5) 29/08/18
[637] - Operación Pacífico (1959) (Operation Petticoat) (3/5) 29/08/18
[636] - Las doce pruebas de Astérix (1976) (Les 12 travaux d’Astérix)) (2/5) 27/08/18
[635] - Fantastic Four (2015) (3/5) 19/08/18
[634] - Peaceful Warrior (2006) (3/5) 15/08/18
[633] - Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957) (4/5) 13/08/18
[632] - Faust: Eine deutsche Volkssage (1926) (4/5) 12/08/18
[631] - Extinction (2018) (3/5) 12/08/18
[630] - Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928) (3/5) 07/08/18
[629] - The General (1926) (4/5) 06/08/18
[628] - Jason and the Argonauts (1963) (4/5) 04/08/18
[627] - Avengers: Infinity War (2018) (4/5) 04/08/18
[626] - The Adventurer (1917) (4/5) 03/08/18
[625] - The Lost World (1925) (3/5) 02/08/18
[624] - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1916) (2/5) 29/07/18
[623] - Inside Llewyn Davis (2013) (3/5) 28/07/18
[622] - The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) (4/5) 28/07/18
[621] - Super (2010) (3/5) 22/07/18
[620] - Drácula de Bram Stoker (1992) (Dracula) (3/5) 22/07/18
[619] - Los ríos de color púrpura (2000) (Les rivières pourpres) (3/5) 21/07/18
[618] - La caja de Pandora (1929) (Die Büchse der Pandora) (5/5) 20/07/18
[617] - La princesa de Samarkanda (1951) (The Golden Horde) (3/5) 17/07/18
[616] - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910) (3/5) 16/07/18
[615] - Vamps (2012) (1/5) 15/07/18
[614] - Rashômon (1950) (Rashomon, el bosque ensangrentado) (2/5) 15/07/18
[613] - Dune (1984) (3/5) 08/07/18
[612] - Salyut-7 (2017) (3/5) 08/07/18
[611] - El quinto elemento (1997) (4/5) 08/07/18
[610] - The Florida Project (2017) (3/5) 30/06/18
[609] - Tomb Raider (2018) (3/5) 24/06/18
[608] - Black Panther (2018) (3/5) 18/06/18
[607] - La Strada (1954) (3/5) 17/06/18
[606] - Lucky (2017) (3/5) 27/05/18
[605] - Le scaphandre et le papillon (2007) (4/5) 26/05/18
[604] - The Party (1968) (4/5) 21/05/18
[603] - Leviafan (2014) (Leviathan) (3/5) 20/05/18
[602] - Logan Lucky (2017) (3/5) 19/05/18
[601] - Eat Pray Love (2010) (2/5) 05/05/18
[600] - Peter & the Wolf (2006) (3/5) 29/04/18
[599] - Paterson (2016) (3/5) 14/04/18
[598] - Good Time (2017) (3/5) 14/04/18
[597] - The Titan (2018) (2/5) 05/04/18
[596] - Yoake tsugeru Rû no uta (2017) (Lu Over the Wall) (3/5) 31/03/18
[595] - Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai (2015) (3/5) 30/03/18
[594] - The Shape of Water (2017) (3/5) 29/03/18
[593] - Tadeo Jones 2: El secreto del rey Midas (2017) (3/5) 28/03/18
[592] - Frau im Mond (1929) (Woman in the Moon) (4/5) 26/03/18
[591] - Pandora (2016) (3/5) 18/03/18
[590] - Destination Moon (1950) (2/5) 18/03/18
[589] - Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) (2/5) 16/03/18
[588] - Annihilation (2018) (3/5) 13/03/18
[587] - The Greatest Showman (2017) (3/5) 10/03/18
[586] - Gyeongseonghakyoo: Sarajin sonyeodeul (2015) (The Silenced) (3/5) 09/03/18
[585] - Galaxina (1980) (1/5) 09/03/18
[584] - Pitch Black (2000) (4/5) 05/03/18
[583] - Córki dancingu (2015) (The Lure) (3/5) 04/03/18
[582] - Lǎopào’ér (2015) (Mr. Six) (3/5) 03/03/18
[581] - Thor: Ragnarok (2017) (3/5) 02/03/18
[580] - Lady Bird (2017) (4/5) 01/03/18
[579] - Nightbreed (1990) (3/5) 25/02/18
[578] - Blade Runner 2049 (2017) (4/5) 24/02/18
[577] - 300 (2006) (5/5) 24/02/18
[576] - Theeb (2014) (3/5) 28/01/18
[575] - Boruto: Naruto the Movie (2015) (2/5) 27/01/18
[574] - The Animatrix (2003) (2/5) 27/01/18
[573] - Bakemono no Ko (2015)
(The Boy and the Beast) (El niño y la bestia)
(3/5) 26/01/18
[572] - eXistenZ (1999) (3/5) 23/01/18
[571] - Tokyo Goddofazazu (2003) (Tokyo Godfathers) (4/5) 20/01/18
[570] - Call Me by Your Name (2017) (2/5) 20/01/18
[569] - Kumo no Mukō, Yakusoku no Basho (2004)
(The Place Promised in Our Early Days) (El lugar que nos prometimos)
(2/5) 18/01/18
[568] - Hoshi o Ou Kodomo (2011)
(Children Who Chase Lost Voices) (Viaje a Agartha)
(3/5) 16/01/18
[567] - Kono sekai no katasumi ni (2016) (In This Corner of the World) (4/5) 15/01/18
[566] - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017) (3/5) 14/01/18
[565] - The Foreigner (2017) (3/5) 13/01/18
[564] - Sunshine (2007) (3/5) 13/01/18
[563] - Agosto (2013) (August: Osage County) (3/5) 12/01/18
[562] - Hirune Hime: Shiranai Watashi no Monogatari (2017)
(Napping Princess: The Story of the Unknown Me)
(Ancien and the Magic Tablet)
(3/5) 09/01/18
[561] - Wind River (2017) (3/5) 08/01/18
[560] - Thelma (2017) (3/5) 07/01/18
[559] - Los descendientes (2015) (3/5) 05/01/18
[558] - Personal Shopper (2016) (3/5) 04/01/18
[557] - Get Out (2017) (3/5) 01/01/18
[556] - The Beguiled (2017) (3/5) 01/01/18
[555] - The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017) (3/5) 31/12/17
[554] - The Love Witch (2016) (3/5) 30/12/17
[553] - Dunkirk (2017) (3/5) 29/12/17
[552] - Stargate: The Ark of Truth (2008) (2/5) 28/12/17
[551] - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) (2/5) 25/12/17
[550] - Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017) (3/5) 24/12/17
[549] - Hana to Arisu (2004) (Hana and Alice) (3/5) 23/12/17
[548] - Bright (2017) (3/5) 23/12/17
[547] - Myûjiamu (2016) (Museum) (2/5) 22/12/17
[546] - Hana to Arisu Satsujin Jiken (2015) (The Case of Hana & Alice) (3/5) 22/12/17
[545] - Gekijouban Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. (2013) (Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day) (4/5) 14/12/17
[544] - Suchîmubôi (2004) (Steamboy) (3/5) 12/12/17
[543] - Memorîzu (1995) (Memories) (3/5) 10/12/17
[542] - Sennen joyû (2001) (Millennium Actress) (3/5) 09/12/17
[541] - Metoroporisu (2001) (Metropolis) (3/5) 08/12/17
[540] - Captain America: Civil War (2016) (3/5) 06/12/17
[539] - Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) (3/5) 04/12/17
[538] - Justice League (2017) (2/5) 03/12/17
[537] - Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) (3/5) 02/12/17
[536] - Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda (2015) (Anthem of the Heart) (4/5) 02/12/17
[535] - Hotarubi no Mori e (2011) (To the Forest of Firefly Lights) (3/5) 02/12/17
[534] - Byōsoku Go Senchimētoru (2007) (5 Centimeters per Second) (2/5) 01/12/17
[533] - Koe no Katachi (2016) (A Silent Voice) (4/5) 30/11/17
[532] - A Boy and His Dog (1975) (3/5) 26/11/17
[531] - Primer (2004) (3/5) 25/11/17
[530] - Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (1983) (4/5) 25/11/17
[529] - Papurika (2006) (Paprika) (4/5) 25/11/17
[528] - Perfect Blue (1997) (2/5) 23/11/17
[527] - The Babysitter (2017) (2/5) 30/10/17
[526] - A Ghost Story (2017) (3/5) 28/10/17
[525] - El olivo (2016) (2/5) 08/10/17
[524] - La bella durmiente (1959) (3/5) 27/09/17
[523] - Trolls (2016) (3/5) 27/09/17
[522] - Ookami kodomo no Ame to Yuki (2012) (Wolf Children) (4/5) 25/09/17
[521] - The Lost City of Z (2016) (3/5) 24/09/17
[520] - Koto no ha no niwa (2013) (The Garden of Words) (5/5) 24/09/17
[519] - Toki o kakeru shôjo (2006) (The Girl Who Leapt Through Time) (3/5) 23/09/17
[518] - Going in Style (1979) (3/5) 02/09/17
[517] - Going in Style (2017) (2/5) 02/09/17
[516] - King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) (4/5) 31/08/17
[515] - The Mummy (2017) (3/5) 27/08/17
[514] - Paris Blues (1961) (2/5) 12/08/17
[513] - Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) (3/5) 05/08/17
[512] - Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) (4/5) 04/08/17
[511] - Star Trek: First Contact (1996) (4/5) 30/07/17
[510] - Star Trek: Generations (1994) (3/5) 29/07/17
[509] - Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) (3/5) 28/07/17
[508] - Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) (2/5) 22/07/17
[507] - Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) (5/5) 16/07/17
[506] - Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) (4/5) 13/07/17
[505] - Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) (4/5) 12/07/17
[504] - Finding Altamira (2016) (3/5) 09/07/17
[503] - Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) (4/5) 08/07/17
[502] - Colossal (2016) (3/5) 03/07/17
[501] - Okja (2017) (3/5) 30/06/17
[500] - Krull (1983) (3/5) 26/06/17
[499] - Stand by Me (1986) (4/5) 17/06/17
[498] - The Hidden (1987) (3/5) 13/06/17
[497] - The Monster Squad (1987) (3/5) 12/06/17
[496] - Wonder Woman (2017) (4/5) 10/06/17
[495] - Ghost in the Shell (2017) (3/5) 08/06/17
[494] - I Am a Hero (2015) (3/5) 07/06/17
[493] - Split (2016) (3/5) 04/06/17
[492] - Alien: Covenant (2017) (3/5) 28/05/17
[491] - Nina (2016) (3/5) 23/05/17
[490] - Star Trek Beyond (2016) (3/5) 22/05/17
[489] - Aquarius (2016) (3/5) 21/05/17
[488] - On the Milky Road (2016) (3/5) 20/05/17
[487] - Silence (2016) (3/5) 19/05/17
[486] - Kimi no na wa (2016) (Your name) (3/5) 18/05/17
[485] - Ah-ga-ssi (2016) (The Handmaiden) (4/5) 17/05/17
[484] - Gifted (2017) (3/5) 15/05/17
[483] - Ghostbusters (2016) (2/5) 14/05/17
[482] - Alice in Wonderland (1903) (3/5) 14/05/17
[481] - La tortue rouge (2016) (4/5) 14/05/17
[480] - People Places Things (2015) (3/5) 13/05/17
[479] - The Holy Mountain (1973) (2/5) 12/05/17
[478] - Pawn Sacrifice (2014) (3/5) 10/05/17
[477] - A Walk in the Woods (2015) (3/5) 08/05/17
[476] - Requisitos para ser una persona normal (2015) (3/5) 07/05/17
[475] - Moonlight (2016) (3/5) 06/05/17
[474] - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) (3/5) 03/05/17
[473] - Roman Holiday (1953) (3/5) 01/05/17
[472] - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016) (3/5) 01/05/17
[471] - Beauty and the Beast (2017) (3/5) 30/04/17
[470] - Life (2017) (2/5) 29/04/17
[469] - The Survivalist (2015) (3/5) 28/04/17
[468] - Manchester by the Sea (2016) (4/5) 23/04/17
[467] - The Karate Kid (1984) (4/5) 23/04/17
[466] - Rester Vertical (2016) (3/5) 22/04/17
[465] - Full Metal Jacket (1987) (5/5) 18/04/17
[464] - The Man Who Laughs (1928) (3/5) 17/04/17
[463] - Fences (2016) (4/5) 17/04/17
[462] - The Girl with All the Gifts (2016) (3/5) 16/04/17
[461] - Segon origen (2015) (2/5) 15/04/17
[460] - Ai no korîda (1976) (In the Realm of the Senses - L’imperi dels sentits) (4/5) 14/04/17
[459] - The Passion of the Christ (2004) (4/5) 14/04/17
[458] - Forrest Gump (1994) (5/5) 14/04/17
[457] - Das Boot (1981) (El submarí) (5/5) 13/04/17
[456] - Yôjinbô (1961) (Yojimbo) (4/5) 12/04/17
[455] - Ran (1985) (4/5) 11/04/17
[454] - Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) (5/5) 09/04/17
[453] - Lion (2016) (5/5) 09/04/17
[452] - West Side Story (1961) (4/5) 08/04/17
[451] - Born to Be Blue (2015) (4/5) 07/04/17
[450] - Hair (1979) (5/5) 02/04/17
[449] - Old Boy (2013) (2/5) 02/04/17
[448] - Logan (2017) (4/5) 30/03/17
[447] - Brimstone (2016) (3/5) 26/03/17
[446] - John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017) (4/5) 25/03/17
[445] - Ghost in the Shell 2.0 (2008) (3/5) 24/03/17
[444] - Kong: Skull Island (2017) (3/5) 24/03/17
[443] - Ghost in the Shell (1995) (4/5) 22/03/17
[442] - Love Story (1970) (3/5) 21/03/17
[441] - The Shining (1980) (5/5) 20/03/17
[440] - Insidious (2010) (4/5) 18/03/17
[439] - Kubo and the Two Strings (2016) (4/5) 05/03/17
[438] - Ringu (1998) (The Ring) (4/5) 04/03/17
[437] - Azuloscurocasinegro (2006) (4/5) 03/03/17
[436] - 1984 (1956) (3/5) 03/03/17
[435] - Hidden Figures (2016) (3/5) 01/03/17
[434] - The Andromeda Strain (1971) (3/5) 01/03/17
[433] - A Monster Calls (2016) (3/5) 18/02/17
[432] - Rambo (2008) (2/5) 06/02/17
[431] - Logan’s Run (1976) (2/5) 30/01/17
[430] - Toni Erdmann (2016) (3/5) 29/01/17
[429] - Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) (3/5) 29/01/17
[428] - Hacksaw Ridge (2016) (3/5) 25/01/17
[427] - La La Land (2016) (2/5) 23/01/17
[426] - Nocturnal Animals (2016) (3/5) 22/01/17
[425] - The Great Wall (2016) (1/5) 21/01/17
[424] - The Accountant (2016) (3/5) 20/01/17
[423] - Passengers (2016) (3/5) 15/01/17
[422] - Moana (2016) (4/5) 15/01/17
[421] - Space Cowboys (2000) (3/5) 14/01/17
[420] - Sully (2016) (3/5) 14/01/17
[419] - The BFG (2016) (3/5) 13/01/17
[418] - Deepwater Horizon (2016) (4/5) 13/01/17
[417] - The Magnificent Seven (2016) (3/5) 13/01/17
[416] - Akira (1988) (3/5) 10/01/17
[415] - First Blood (1982) (5/5) 09/01/17
[414] - Doom (2005) (2/5) 08/01/17
[413] - Dawn of the Dead (2004) (3/5) 08/01/17
[412] - Day of the Dead (1985) (2/5) 07/01/17
[411] - When the Wind Blows (1986) (3/5) 06/01/17
[410] - Dawn of the Dead (1978) (5/5) 06/01/17
[409] - Goksung (2016) (The Wailing) (3/5) 04/01/17
[408] - La chica del gato (1943) (3/5) 02/01/17
[407] - Arrival (2016) (4/5) 02/01/17
[406] - La guerre du feu (1981) (3/5) 01/01/17
[405] - Australia (2008) (3/5) 01/01/17
[404] - El milagro de P. Tinto (1998) (3/5) 30/12/16
[403] - Das Leben der Anderen (2006) (La vida dels altres) (3/5) 28/12/16
[402] - Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) (2/5) 26/12/16
[401] - Apocalypse Now (1979) (5/5) 26/12/16
[400] - Rogue One (2016) (3/5) 25/12/16
[399] - Big Eyes (2014) (2/5) 18/12/16
[398] - The Nice Guys (2016) (3/5) 10/12/16
[397] - Bridge of Spies (2015) (3/5) 09/12/16
[396] - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) (2/5) 08/12/16
[395] - Cómo acabar sin tu jefe 2 (2014) (2/5) 04/12/16
[394] - El concert (2009) (2/5) 04/12/16
[393] - Ben-Hur (2016) (1/5) 27/11/16
[392] - Doctor Strange (2016) (3/5) 20/11/16
[391] - La casa de mi vida (2001) (3/5) 20/11/16
[390] - La bicicleta verde (2012) (3/5) 19/11/16
[389] - Soy el número cuatro (2011) (3/5) 13/11/16
[388] - Saul fia (2015) (3/5) 08/11/16
[387] - The Huntsman: Winter's War (2016) (3/5) 06/11/16
[386] - The Beguiled (1971) (3/5) 04/11/16
[385] - El pisito (1959) (3/5) 02/11/16
[384] - Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (2016) (3/5) 24/10/16
[383] - The Legend of Tarzan (2016) (2/5) 24/10/16
[382] - Captain Fantastic (2016) (3/5) 22/10/16
[381] - Il postino (1994) (4/5) 16/10/16
[380] - L’últim ballarí de Mao (2009) (1/5) 16/10/16
[379] - Futureworld (1976) (2/5) 07/10/16
[378] - Westworld (1973) (2/5) 05/10/16
[377] - ARQ (2016) (3/5) 02/10/16
[376] - Experimenter (2015) (3/5) 29/09/16
[375] - Killers (2010) (2/5) 24/09/16
[374] - Ocho apellidos catalanes (2015) (1/5) 23/09/16
[373] - Take Shelter (2011) (2/5) 22/09/16
[372] - Anomalisa (2015) (2/5) 19/09/16
[371] - Jason Bourne (2016) (3/5) 15/09/16
[370] - Demolition (2015) (3/5) 04/09/16
[369] - Enemigo público (1998) (3/5) 03/09/16
[368] - Victor Frankenstein (2015) (1/5) 30/08/16
[367] - El libro de la selva (2016) (4/5) 30/08/16
[366] - Los hermanos Marx en el Oeste (1940) (3/5) 20/08/16
[365] - Suicide Squad (2016) (3/5) 17/08/16
[364] - What We Do in the Shadows (2014) (3/5) 16/08/16
[363] - Warcraft (2016) (2/5) 16/08/16
[362] - Don Lucio y el hermano Pío (1960) (3/5) 10/08/16
[361] - X-Men: Apocalipsis (2016) (3/5) 02/08/16
[360] - St. Vincent (2014) (3/5) 31/07/16
[359] - Miles Ahead (2015) (3/5) 27/07/16
[358] - Step Up Revolution (2012) (1/5) 26/07/16
[357] - Step Up 3D (2010) (2/5) 25/07/16
[356] - El ritu (2011) (2/5) 22/07/16
[355] - La millor oferta (2013) (3/5) 16/07/16
[354] - Zootrópolis (2016) (3/5) 13/07/16
[353] - The Evil Dead (1981) (2/5) 13/07/16
[352] - Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) (3/5) 10/07/16
[351] - Deadpool (2016) (3/5) 09/07/16
[350] - The Lobster (2015) (3/5) 06/07/16
[349] - The VVitch: A New-England Folktale (2015) (3/5) 24/06/16
[348] - Ratatouille (2007) (5/5) 19/06/16
[347] - Round Midnight (1986) (3/5) 03/06/16
[346] - Seven Pounds (2008) (3/5) 28/05/16
[345] - Eden Lake (2008) (3/5) 22/05/16
[344] - Alicia en el país de las maravillas (2010) (3/5) 21/05/16
[343] - Jennifer’s body (2009) (2/5) 01/05/16
[342] - Suffragette (2015) (3/5) 27/03/16
[341] - El chef, la receta de la felicidad (2012) (3/5) 26/03/16
[340] - La liga de los hombres extraordinarios (2003) (3/5) 25/03/16
[339] - Truman (2015) (3/5) 19/03/16
[338] - Carol (2015) (2/5) 19/03/16
[337] - Cabaret (1972) (5/5) 13/03/16
[336] - Red Army (2014) (3/5) 10/03/16
[335] - Spotlight (2015) (4/5) 03/03/16
[334] - Room (2015) (4/5) 27/02/16
[333] - Le voyage dans la lune (1902) (5/5) 18/02/16
[332] - Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) (4/5) 14/02/16
[331] - Ikarie XB 1 (1963) (Voyage to the End of Universe) (3/5) 13/02/16
[330] - Hotel Transilvania 2 (2015) (2/5) 05/02/16
[329] - The Ridiculous 6 (2015) (1/5) 02/02/16
[328] - An American Werewolf in London (1981) (5/5) 30/01/16
[327] - Kagemusha (1980) (3/5) 30/01/16
[326] - Joy (2015) (3/5) 29/01/16
[325] - The Last Witch Hunter (2015) (2/5) 28/01/16
[324] - Regression (2015) (2/5) 26/01/16
[323] - The Blob (1958) (2/5) 25/01/16
[322] - Alien (1979) (4/5) 24/01/16
[321] - Youth (2015) (2/5) 23/01/16
[320] - Vertigo (1958) (4/5) 17/01/16
[319] - The Big Short (2015) (3/5) 14/01/16
[318] - Paths of Glory (1957) (3/5) 11/01/16
[317] - Rear Window (1954) (5/5) 09/01/16
[316] - Jappeloup, de pare a fill (2013) (3/5) 09/01/16
[315] - Memento (2000) (4/5) 06/01/16
[314] - Ant-Man (2015) (2/5) 05/01/16
[313] - In the Heart of the Sea (2015) (3/5) 04/01/16
[312] - The Revenant (2015) (4/5) 01/01/16
[311] - The Hateful Eight (2015) (4/5) 01/01/16
[310] - Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) (5/5) 25/12/15
[309] - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) (2/5) 20/12/15
[308] - Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) (3/5) 19/12/15
[307] - Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) (2/5) 19/12/15
[306] - Return of the Jedi (1983) (4/5) 15/12/15
[305] - El Imperio contraataca (1980) (4/5) 13/12/15
[304] - Star Wars (1977) (5/5) 12/12/15
[303] - Crimson Peak (2015) (3/5) 12/12/15
[302] - Stargate (1994) (4/5) 06/12/15
[301] - El falsificador (2014) (3/5) 14/11/15
[300] - The Gift (2015) (3/5) 09/11/15
[299] - The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015) (3/5) 08/11/15
[298] - Everest (2015) (2/5) 07/11/15
[297] - The Martian (2015) (4/5) 01/11/15
[296] - Vice (2015) (1/5) 17/10/15
[295] - The Gambler (2014) (3/5) 14/10/15
[294] - The Mist (2007) (3/5) 12/10/15
[293] - Still Alice (2014) (3/5) 11/10/15
[292] - El tirador (2007) (3/5) 10/10/15
[291] - X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963) (1/5) 08/10/15
[290] - X+Y (2014) (3/5) 07/10/15
[289] - Event Horizon (1997) (3/5) 07/10/15
[288] - Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015) (3/5) 04/10/15
[287] - Psycho (1960) (5/5) 04/10/15
[286] - On the Beach (1959) (3/5) 03/10/15
[285] - Dark Skies (2013) (3/5) 01/10/15
[284] - Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) (3/5) 30/09/15
[283] - Little Boy (2015) (3/5) 29/09/15
[282] - Tomorrowland (2015) (3/5) 29/09/15
[281] - Hitchcock (2012) (2/5) 28/09/15
[280] - Limitless (2011) (3/5) 27/09/15
[279] - Prisoners (2013) (3/5) 27/09/15
[278] - Inside Out (2015) (2/5) 26/09/15
[277] - El profesor (2011) (3/5) 26/09/15
[276] - Odd Thomas, cazador de fantasmas (2013) (3/5) 19/09/15
[275] - Jagten (2012) (La caça) (3/5) 19/09/15
[274] - No profanar el sueño de los muertos (1974) (4/5) 16/09/15
[273] - El juego de Ender (2013) (2/5) 30/08/15
[272] - The Help (2011) (3/5) 29/08/15
[271] - El secreto de sus ojos (2009) (3/5) 27/08/15
[270] - Relatos salvajes (2014) (3/5) 25/08/15
[269] - Mary and Max (2009) (3/5) 24/08/15
[268] - The Man from Earth (2007) (3/5) 23/08/15
[267] - Invaders from Mars (1953) (4/5) 22/08/15
[266] - Terminator Genisys (2015) (2/5) 20/08/15
[265] - Serenity (2005) (3/5) 19/08/15
[264] - Extinction (2015) (2/5) 18/08/15
[263] - Chronicle (2012) (2/5) 17/08/15
[262] - Time Lapse (2014) (4/5) 16/08/15
[261] - La serie Divergente: Insurgente (2015) (3/5) 16/08/15
[260] - Donnie Darko (2001) (4/5) 15/08/15
[259] - Robot & Frank (2012) (3/5) 14/08/15
[258] - Espérame en el cielo (1988) (2/5) 14/08/15
[257] - La princesse de Montpensier (2010) (3/5) 13/08/15
[256] - The Matrix (1999) (5/5) 12/08/15
[255] - Force Majeure (2014) (Tourist) (3/5) 09/08/15
[254] - Fúria cega (2011) (3/5) 08/08/15
[253] - Llegendes de passió (1994) (3/5) 08/08/15
[252] - Kon-Tiki (2012) (2/5) 07/08/15
[251] - Dragon Blade (2015) (Tian jiang xiong shi) (1/5) 06/08/15
[250] - Project Almanac (2015) (3/5) 05/08/15
[249] - Cloud Atlas (2012) (3/5) 04/08/15
[248] - Jupiter Ascending (2015) (3/5) 03/08/15
[247] - Jurassic World (2015) (2/5) 02/08/15
[246] - Chappie (2015) (1/5) 01/08/15
[245] - Ex Machina (2015) (3/5) 30/07/15
[244] - The Interview (2014) (1/5) 25/07/15
[243] - El americano (2010) (3/5) 24/07/15
[242] - La isla mínima (2014) (3/5) 19/07/15
[241] - The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich (2012) (3/5) 16/07/15
[240] - Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) (3/5) 24/06/15
[239] - Focus (2015) (3/5) 22/06/15
[238] - Barbarella (1968) (3/5) 21/06/15
[237] - Els ángels de Charlie: Al límit (2003) (2/5) 20/06/15
[236] - Prometheus (2012) (3/5) 20/06/15
[235] - Vengadores: La era de Ultrón (2015) (3/5) 14/06/15
[234] - El hombre de acero (2013) (2/5) 01/06/15
[233] - Brave (2012) (3/5) 24/05/15
[232] - Daybreakers (2009) (3/5) 23/05/15
[231] - Byzantium (2012) (3/5) 23/05/15
[230] - Unbroken (2014) (2/5) 17/05/15
[229] - Sin salida (2011) (3/5) 16/05/15
[228] - This Is It (2009) (4/5) 09/05/15
[227] - Against the Sun (2014) (1/5) 30/04/15
[226] - Big Driver (2014) (3/5) 26/04/15
[225] - Into the Woods (2014) (3/5) 26/04/15
[224] - A Most Violent Year (2014) (3/5) 25/04/15
[223] - Foxcatcher (2014) (2/5) 06/04/15
[222] - Indiana Jones y la última cruzada (1989) (2/5) 05/04/15
[221] - El Jinete Pálido (1985) (4/5) 03/04/15
[220] - Omoide no Mânî (2014) (When Marnie Was There) (5/5) 02/04/15
[219] - El Crack (1981) (4/5) 31/03/15
[218] - Adèle y el misterio de la momia (2010) (4/5) 29/03/15
[217] - Indiana Jones y el Templo Maldito (1984) (5/5) 29/03/15
[216] - Wild (2014) (2/5) 28/03/15
[215] - Don’t Look Now (1973) (3/5) 21/03/15
[214] - The Imitation Game (2014) (4/5) 14/03/15
[213] - Barefoot (2014) (3/5) 13/03/15
[212] - The Water Diviner (2014) (3/5) 13/03/15
[211] - Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014) (4/5) 10/03/15
[210] - Whiplash (2014) (2/5) 08/03/15
[209] - Phenomenon (1996) (4/5) 04/03/15
[208] - Cazadores de sombras: Ciudad de hueso (2013) (3/5) 01/03/15
[207] - Lara Croft Tomb Raider: La cuna de la vida (2003) (4/5) 01/03/15
[206] - The Fly (1986) (3/5) 26/02/15
[205] - Birdman: or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014) (5/5) 25/02/15
[204] - Big Hero 6 (2014) (4/5) 22/02/15
[203] - Solaris (2002) (3/5) 22/02/15
[202] - Office Space (1999) (3/5) 21/02/15
[201] - El gran año (2011) (3/5) 21/02/15
[200] - Food Matters (2008) (4/5) 21/02/15
[199] - Hanna (2011) (3/5) 16/02/15
[198] - Ultimátum a la Tierra (2008) (4/5) 15/02/15
[197] - Sherlock Holmes (2009) (3/5) 15/02/15
[196] - Animal Crackers (1930) (3/5) 15/02/15
[195] - The Riot Club (2014) (2/5) 08/02/15
[194] - My Old Lady (2014) (2/5) 07/02/15
[193] - Rurôni Kenshin: Kyôto taika-hen (2014) (2/5) 07/02/15
[192] - Fury (2014) (3/5) 06/02/15
[191] - Stonehearst Asylum (2014) (3/5) 06/02/15
[190] - Dear White People (2014) (3/5) 04/02/15
[189] - The Theory of Everything (2014) (3/5) 02/02/15
[188] - Nightcrawler (2014) (3/5) 01/02/15
[187] - Dr. Dolittle (1998) (2/5) 01/02/15
[186] - Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014) (3/5) 01/02/15
[185] - Gake no ue no Ponyo (2008) (Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea) (4/5) 31/01/15
[184] - John Wick (2014) (2/5) 31/01/15
[183] - Kari-gurashi no Arietti (2010) (The Secret World of Arriety) (4/5) 30/01/15
[182] - Kokuriko-zaka kara (2011) (From Up on Poppy Hill) (4/5) 29/01/15
[181] - Neko no ongaeshi (2002) (The Cat Returns) (3/5) 29/01/15
[180] - Hôhokekyo tonari no Yamada-kun (1999) (My Neighbors the Yamadas) (3/5) 29/01/15
[179] - Mononoke-hime (1997) (Princess Mononoke) (5/5) 26/01/15
[178] - If I Stay (2014) (2/5) 25/01/15
[177] - Umi ga kikoeru (1993) (Ocean Waves) (4/5) 25/01/15
[176] - The Guest (2014) (1/5) 24/01/15
[175] - I, Frankenstein (2014) (2/5) 24/01/15
[174] - The Giver (2014) (3/5) 24/01/15
[173] - PK (2014) (2/5) 23/01/15
[172] - A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014) (3/5) 23/01/15
[171] - The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) (2/5) 22/01/15
[170] - Dracula Untold (2014) (2/5) 21/01/15
[169] - The Judge (2014) (3/5) 20/01/15
[168] - Fracture (2007) (3/5) 19/01/15
[167] - The Drop (2014) (4/5) 18/01/15
[166] - Ciutat Morta (2013) (3/5) 18/01/15
[165] - Pride (2004) (4/5) 16/01/15
[164] - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) (4/5) 16/01/15
[163] - Citizen Kane (1941) (4/5) 14/01/15
[162] - Stalker (1979) (1/5) 13/01/15
[161] - Omohide poro poro (1991) (Only Yesterday) (4/5) 12/01/15
[160] - El último samurai (2003) (4/5) 11/01/15
[159] - Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) (4/5) 10/01/15
[158] - Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain (2001) (5/5) 09/01/15
[157] - The Book of Life (2014) (4/5) 08/01/15
[156] - Shichinin no samurai (1954) (Els set samurais) (4/5) 06/01/15
[155] - Sans soleil (1983) (3/5) 05/01/15
[154] - Thor (2011) (3/5) 04/01/15
[153] - The Equalizer (2014) (3/5) 03/01/15
[152] - Speak (2004) (4/5) 03/01/15
[151] - 10.000 aC (2008) (3/5) 03/01/15
[150] - Whisper of the Heart (1995) (5/5) 03/01/15
[149] - Interstellar (2014) (5/5) 02/01/15
[148] - Tonari no Totoro (1988) (El meu veí Totoro) (5/5) 01/01/15
[147] - Kaguyahime no monogatari (2013) (El conte de la princesa Kaguya) (4/5) 31/12/14
[146] - The Good Lie (2014) (3/5) 29/12/14
[145] - Peeping Tom (1960) (2/5) 28/12/14
[144] - The Karate Kid (2010) (4/5) 28/12/14
[143] - Children of Men (2006) (3/5) 27/12/14
[142] - Les diabòliques (1955) (4/5) 27/12/14
[141] - Brazil (1985) (4/5) 27/12/14
[140] - Mi super ex-novia (2006) (2/5) 27/12/14
[139] - The Skeleton Twins (2014) (3/5) 25/12/14
[138] - Suspiria (1977) (1/5) 25/12/14
[137] - The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939) (3/5) 25/12/14
[136] - I Origins (2014) (3/5) 25/12/14
[135] - The Boxtrolls (2014) (3/5) 24/12/14
[134] - The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959) (4/5) 22/12/14
[133] - Porco Rosso (1992) (3/5) 22/12/14
[132] - Gone Girl (2014) (4/5) 21/12/14
[131] - (500) días juntos (2009) (3/5) 21/12/14
[130] - La guerra de los mapaches de Pompoko (1994) (3/5) 20/12/14
[129] - Dracula (1931) (3/5) 20/12/14
[128] - Predestination (2014) (3/5) 19/12/14
[127] - The Maze Runner (2014) (3/5) 19/12/14
[126] - House of Wax (1953) (4/5) 19/12/14
[125] - Blade Runner (1982) (5/5) 17/12/14
[124] - Horror of Dracula (1958) (2/5) 16/12/14
[123] - The Mummy (1932) (5/5) 15/12/14
[122] - The Mummy (1959) (4/5) 15/12/14
[121] - Cuentos de Terramar (2006) (4/5) 13/12/14
[120] - El valent Despereaux (2008) (3/5) 13/12/14
[119] - El castillo en el cielo (1986) (3/5) 13/12/14
[118] - The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957) (2/5) 13/12/14
[117] - Nausicaä del Valle del Viento (1984) (4/5) 11/12/14
[116] - Mortadelo y Filemón contra Jimmy el Cachondo (2014) (3/5) 11/12/14
[115] - El viento se levanta (2013) (3/5) 08/12/14
[114] - Gojira (1954) (5/5) 07/12/14
[113] - Kiki, l’aprenent de bruixa (1989) (3/5) 07/12/14
[112] - 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) (5/5) 06/12/14
[111] - The Bad Seed (1956) (3/5) 05/12/14
[110] - Solaris (1972) (2/5) 03/12/14
[109] - Desafío total (2012) (3/5) 01/12/14
[108] - El castell ambulant (2004) (4/5) 30/11/14
[107] - Silent Running (1972) (3/5) 30/11/14
[106] - Un golpe de altura (2011) (3/5) 29/11/14
[105] - Terminator Salvation (2009) (3/5) 28/11/14
[104] - The Fly (1958) (3/5) 28/11/14
[103] - Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) (3/5) 26/11/14
[102] - The Thing from Another World (1951) (4/5) 26/11/14
[101] - The Expendables 3 (2014) (2/5) 24/11/14
[100] - Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) (3/5) 23/11/14
[99] - Twelve Monkeys (1995) (4/5) 23/11/14
[98] - Un amor de altura (2005) (3/5) 22/11/14
[97] - Forbidden Planet (1956) (4/5) 20/11/14
[96] - Hercules (2014) (3/5) 17/11/14
[95] - Jack Reacher (2012) (4/5) 16/11/14
[94] - Ladrón de bicicletas (1948) (4/5) 15/11/14
[93] - The Company of Wolves (1984) (3/5) 14/11/14
[92] - Boyhood (2014) (3/5) 13/11/14
[91] - Metropolis (1927) (5,5/5) 09/11/14
[90] - A propósito de Henry (1991) (3/5) 08/11/14
[89] - Frankenstein (1931) (4/5) 08/11/14
[88] - Automata (2014) (3/5) 07/11/14
[87] - Bride of Frankenstein (1935) (3/5) 06/11/14
[86] - Nosferatu. A Symphony of Horror (1922) (5/5) 04/11/14
[85] - Hermanos (2009) (3/5) 03/11/14
[84] - El viatge de Chihiro (2001) (4/5) 02/11/14
[83] - My Man is a Loser (2014) (3/5) 01/11/14
[82] - Ombres tenebroses (2012) (3/5) 01/11/14
[81] - Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014) (3/5) 31/10/14
[80] - Sin frenos (2012) (3/5) 23/10/14
[79] - Deliver us from Evil (2014) (3/5) 19/10/14
[78] - Atrápame si puedes (2002) (4/5) 19/10/14
[77] - Begin Again (2013) (3/5) 18/10/14
[76] - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) (3/5) 18/10/14
[75] - Earth to Echo (2014) (3/5) 16/10/14
[74] - Gremlins (1984) (4/5) 11/10/14
[73] - The Butler (2013) (3/5) 10/10/14
[72] - Are you here (2013) (3/5) 08/10/14
[71] - Sex tape (2014) (2/5) 07/10/14
[70] - Frank (2014) (3/5) 06/10/14
[69] - The other woman (2014) (3/5) 04/10/14
[68] - The two faces of January (2014) (2/5) 02/10/14
[67] - G.I. Joe (2009) (3/5) 29/09/14
[66] - Think like a man too (2014) (2/5) 28/09/14
[65] - Capitán América: El soldado de invierno (2014) (3/5) 27/09/14
[64] - Neighbors (2014) (2/5) 26/09/14
[63] - Coherence (2014) (3/5) 25/09/14
[62] - The homesman (2014) (3/5) 25/09/14
[61] - Into the Wild (2007) (4/5) 22/09/14
[60] - Million dollar arm (2014) (3/5) 21/09/14
[59] - Edge of tomorrow (2014) (3/5) 21/09/14
[58] - Deception (2008) (3/5) 20/09/14
[57] - Maleficent (2014) (3/5) 19/09/14
[56] - The fault in our stars (2014) (2/5) 16/09/14
[55] - Chef (2014) (3/5) 15/09/14
[54] - A million ways to die in the west (2014) (3/5) 14/09/14
[53] - Godzilla (2014) (3/5) 11/09/14
[52] - Las aventuras de Peabody y Sherman (2014) (3/5) 11/09/14
[51] - Everywhen (2013) (1/5) 08/09/14
[50] - The double (2013) (3/5) 07/09/14
[49] - Rocco y sus hermanos (1960) (3/5) 30/08/14
[48] - Under the skin (2013) (2/5) 28/08/14
[47] - Lucy (2014) (4/5) 27/08/14
[46] - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) (3/5) 22/08/14
[45] - Cloverfield (2008) (1/5) 21/08/14
[44] - Age of Tomorrow (2014) (0/5) 18/08/14
[43] - The Zero Theorem (2013) (1/5) 17/08/14
[42] - Guardianes de la galaxia (2014) (4/5) 16/08/14
[41] - Sin City (2005) (5/5) 16/08/14
[40] - Europa Report (2013) (3/5) 15/08/14
[39] - El mago de Oz (1939) (5/5) 11/08/14
[38] - Rob the Mob (2014) (3/5) 10/08/14
[37] - Oculus (2013) (4/5) 09/08/14
[36] - Locke (2013) (4/5) 06/08/14
[35] - Divergent (2014) (4/5) 05/08/14
[34] - El gran Vázquez (2010) (3/5) 04/08/14
[33] - La tumba de las luciérnagas (1988) (4/5) 04/08/14
[32] - Appleseed Alpha (2014) (3/5) 31/07/14
[31] - Fast Food Nation (2006) (3/5) 28/07/14
[30] - Trascendence (2014) (3/5) 22/07/14
[29] - Noah (2014) (2/5) 22/07/14
[28] - Heaven is for real (2014) (3/5) 22/07/14
[27] - Bad Words (2013) (3/5) 22/07/14
[26] - Snowpiercer (2013) (3/5) 19/07/14
[25] - X-Men - Days of future past (2014) (3/5) 11/07/14
[24] - The Lego Movie (2014) (3/5) 25/06/14
[23] - Nebraska (2013) (3/5) 25/06/14
[22] - Enemy (2013) (3/5) 25/06/14
[21] - Chinese Zodiac (2012) (3/5) 25/06/14
[20] - Walk of Shame (2014) (2/5) 08/06/14
[19] - The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) (4/5) 08/06/14
[18] - 300 Rise of an Empire (2014) (4/5) 08/06/14
[17] - Vampire Academy (2014) (3/5) 30/05/14
[16] - Tokarev (2014) (2/5) 30/05/14
[15] - The Congress (2013) (1/5) 30/05/14
[14] - Non-stop (2014) (4/5) 30/05/14
[13] - Lone survivor (2013) (3/5) 30/05/14
[12] - In the blood (2014) (3/5) 30/05/14
[11] - Frozen (2013) (3/5) 08/12/13
[10] - Warm Bodies (2013) (3/5) 08/12/13
[9] - After Earth (2013) (3/5) 14/06/13
[8] - Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) (4/5) 14/06/13
[7] - Green Lantern (2011) (3/5) 17/07/11
[6] - Moby Dick (2010) (0/5) 15/05/11
[5] - The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) (5/5) 19/02/11
[4] - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) (3/5) 28/11/10
[3] - Paranormal Activity (2007) (3/5) 27/10/09
[2] - Agora (2009) (2/5) 15/10/09
[1] - Star Trek (2009) (5/5) 11/05/09